Theme: Advancements in Aquaculture & Fisheries
Aquaculture Congress 2019
We take the pleasure to invite all the eminent researchers,students and delegates to attend the 12th World congress on Aquaculture and Fisheries which is to be held on September 19-20, 2018 at Hong Kong.Aquaculture Congress 2018 will be an innovative and informative International conference reflecting the direction of Aquaculture and Fisheries in the 21st century and offers a wide range of diversions to participants of all backgrounds. This Aquaculture Congress provides an excellent opportunity to discuss the latest developments within the field.
The conference runs with the theme “Global Initiative In Aquaculture and Fisheries”
Aquaculture Congress 2018 focus on different areas of Aquaculture such as Aquaculturists, Aquaculture Technologists, Aquaculturists and Fisheries departments etc.12th World Congress on Aquaculture & Fisheries offers an exclusive opportunity for investigators across the globe to meet, network, and perceive new scientific innovations.This international Aquaculture Congress also encourages the active participation of young student researchers as we are hosting Poster Award Competition and Young Research Forum at the conference venue.
Why to attend?
Aquaculture Congress 2018 is an international stage for presenting research about different areas of Aquaculture and Fisheries current technologies used for the betterment of Aquaculture.Thus, contributing to the distribution of knowledge in Aquaculture and Fisheries for the benefit of both the academia and business this is a great opportunity to influence the large number of participants from the Aquaculture and fisheries community.World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, developments, and the newest updates in Aquaculture and fisheries are features of this conference.
Targeted audience:
- Aquaculturists
- Aquaculture Researchers
- Aquaculture and Fisheries Department
- Aquaculture and Fisheries Associations and Societies
- Aquaculture Faculty
- Fisheries Faculty
- Students
Track 1: Aquaculture and Fisheries:
Around 567 sea-going species are at present cultivated everywhere throughout the world, speaking to an abundance of hereditary assorted variety both inside and among species. Aquatic plants, for example, kelp are likewise a vital asset for aquaculture as they give sustenance, job and other imperative mechanical uses. 80% of flow aquaculture generation is gotten from creatures low in the natural way of life, for example, herbivorous, omnivorous fish and molluscs. Based on its dynamic execution in the course of the most recent 30 years, and with genuinely stable gets from catch fisheries, it is likely that the future development of the fisheries part will come primarily from aquaculture.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
2017 Albemarle-Pamlico Ecosystem Symposium, Fisheries Events 2018 November 01, 2017, Raleigh, North Carolina,USA; Aquaculture Conferences China Fisheries and Seafood Expo / Aquaculture China and Seafood Technology, Fisheries Congress 2018 November 01-03, 2017, Qingdao, China; Aquaculture Conferences 2018 Aquaponics Association 2017 Conference, November 03-06, 2017, Oregon, USA; Aquaculture Congress Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 17 (LACQUA17), Marine Science Conferences 2018 November 07-10, 2017, Mazatlan, Mexico
Related Aquaculture Societies:
Asian Fisheries Society; China Society of Fisheries; Korean Society of Fisheries and Sciences; Aquaculture Association of Canada; Aquaculture Association of S. Africa; European Aquaculture Society
Track 2: Animal welfare in Aquaculture:
The welfare of cultivated fish has turned into an inexorably vital issue for the general open and for governments furthermore, controllers. In light of such concerns, the aquaculture business is finding a way to guarantee great welfare in cultivated fish, most especially by setting up Codes of Practice for dependable aquaculture that consider angle welfare. This is an exceptionally complex subject with numerous ranges of vulnerability and the point of this section is to look at some of these, including: how welfare is characterized, regardless of whether angle have the limit with regards to affliction, how we can distinguish and measure angle welfare, what logical examination can educate us concerning the effect of creation frameworks on angle welfare and conceivable techniques for enhancing the welfare of cultivated fish.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
8th Expo Pesca & Acuiperu, Marine Science Conferences November 08-10, 2017, Lima, Peru; Aquaculture Congress 2018 International Seafood & Fisheries EXPO 2017, November 08-10, 2017, Bussan, South Korea; Aquaculture Events International Cold Water Prawn Forum (ICWPF), Aquaculture Conferences November 09, 2017, Reykjavik, Iceland; Aquaculture Events 2018 10th International Flatfish Symposium, November 11-16, 2017, Saint-Malo, France
Related Aquaculture Societies:
Brazilian Aquaculture Society; Indonesian Aquaculture Society; Society of Aquaculture Professionals; Malaysian Fisheries Society; Egyptian Aquaculture Society; American Fisheries Society
Track 3: Sustainability in Aquaculture:
Aquaculture is not an answer for overfishing. Customary types of aquaculture can and do influence significant commitments to sustenance to provisions in ranges of the world where nourishment needs are intense, yet these should be sustainable. Many current aquaculture hones accentuate the unsustainable creation of species for high-esteem send out business sectors. Quick improvement and extension of serious aquaculture for species, for example, salmon and shrimp has, for instance, brought about far reaching debasement of the earth and the dislodging of beach front angling and cultivating communities. Unsustainable aquaculture additionally adversely impacts on the nourishment supplies and sustenance security of creating waterfront nations.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
9th Symposium on Harmful Algae in the US, November 11-17, 2017, Baltimore, Maryland, USA; Aquaculture Meetings Virginia Aquaculture Conference, November 17-18, 2017, Virginia,USA; Aquaculture Meetings 2018 Aquaculture Innovation Workshop 2017, November 29-30, 2017, Vancouver, Canada; Aquaculture Workshops BIOTECHNOLOGY HAVANA 2017 “Agricultural Biotechnology in the XXI Century”, Aquaculture Conferences 2018 December 03-06, 2017, Varadero, Cuba
Related Aquaculture Societies:
South-eastern Fisheries Association; U. S. Aquaculture Society; National Aquaculture Association; Aquaculture Association of South Africa; Indonesian Aquaculture Society, Indonesia; Society of Aquaculture Professionals, India
Track 4: Aquaculture Nutrition:
Survival rates for fish and shrimp in aquaculture generation can run from 30-80%, contingent upon species refined, illness challenge, creation framework, and land area around the globe. As meager as 5% distinction in survival rate in an aquaculture operation can have the effect amongst benefit and misfortune. Dietary supplementation to enhance intestinal capacity and adjust the safe framework can expand survival rates in fish and shrimp.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
Australian Shellfish Reef Restoration Network Meeting & 19th International Conference on Shellfish Restoration, Aquaculture Congress December 04 –06, 2017, SA, Australia; Aquaculture Workshops 2018 68th Annual Northwest Fish Culture Concepts workshop, December 05-07, 2017, California, USA; Fisheries Conferences 2017 Alaska Young Fishermen’s Summit, Aquaculture Congress 2018 December 06–08, 2017, Anchorage, Alaska; Fisheries Conferences 2018 International Meeting On Aquaculture & Fisheries, December 06-07, 2017, Dubai, UAE
Related Aquaculture Societies:
Spanish Aquaculture Association; The World Aquaculture Society; Aquaculture Association of Queensland; Aquaculture Fish Farming Associations; Florida Aquaculture Association; Colorado Aquaculture Association
Track 5: Environmental impacts in Aquaculture:
Unsustainable aquaculture can pulverize our seas and nature and effect on nearby individuals' sustenance and security. The extraction of marine species from seas, including wild adolescents essential for future stock development, expanding the weight on wild fish stocks and having real nourishment security implications; fishmeal thus called 'waste fish' utilized for encourage creation - regularly the principle nourishment for neighbourhood individuals - taken for use in aquaculture lakes; the arrival of natural squanders and harmful effluents into the oceans; the annihilation of beach front biological systems, removal of seaside groups and exhaustion of crisp water sources to assemble aquaculture ponds.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
Fifth International Conference on Agriculture & Fisheries ; Systems & Technology 2017, Aquaculture Events December 08-09, 2017, Colombo, Sri Lanka; Fisheries Meetings 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, December 11-15, 2017, New Orleans, USA; Fisheries Meetings 2018 ICAR-CMFRI 2nd Symposium of SAFARI, January 15-17, 2018, Kochi, India; Fisheries Events International Conference on Sustainable Global Aquaculture (ICSGA 2018) , January 24-26, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand
Related Aquaculture Societies:
Texas Aquaculture Association; Maine Aquaculture Association; Southern Regional Aquaculture Centre; Cook Inlet Aquaculture Association; US Aquaculture Society; Alaska Aquaculture Associations; Ohio Aquaculture Association
Track 6: Diseases in Aquaculture:
In the event that ceaselessly released wastewater without treatment, which contains high centralization of nitrogen and phosphorus supplements, may bring about a surprisingly unending rise of the aggregate natural issue substance, particularly in gravely oversaw or ineffectively found destinations. Therefore, a progression of negative environmental effects may occur: serious oxygen shortage caused by the disintegrating of natural substances. Eutrophication caused by the collection of natural supplements like nitrogen and phosphorus, which advances a high biomass in the shallow water. It's essential to report any huge fish infections and passing’s as quickly as time permits. This takes into account early affirmation, administration and regulation of any genuine pathogens that could have across the board and hindering consequences for the business and the regular environment.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
21st India International Seafood Show, January 27-29, 2018, Goa, India; Fisheries Events 2018 78th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Aquaculture Events 2018 January 28-31, 2018, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Fisheries Congress 2018 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 11-16, 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA; Marine Science Conferences 2018 AQUACULTURE AMERICA 2018, February 19-22, 2018, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Related Aquaculture Societies:
Alaska Aquaculture Associations; Connecticut Aquaculture Association; Indiana Aquaculture Association; Aquaculture Development Association of Zambia; Wisconsin Aquaculture Association; Aquaculture Association of Trinidad
Track 7: New techniques in Aquaculture and Engineering:
In the Health area propels in determination, antibody advancement, and new techniques to control infections, parasites and different pathogens are exhibited. Advances have additionally been made in catch based aquaculture including the developing/swelling of youthful fish caught from nature. Potential clashes with catch fisheries are being surveyed. Significant advance have likewise being made in the aqua feeds innovation, joining an extensive number of fixings into little pellets. The choice of the aquaculture framework or way to deal with receive in a specific improvement is dictated by a few elements.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
10th Euro-Global Summit on Aquaculture & Fisheries, Aquaculture Meetings March 05-06, 2018, Paris, France; Marine Science Conferences 13th North Atlantic Seafood Forum, March 06-08, 2018, Bergen, Norway; Marine Conferences Aquaculture Middle East, March 06-08, 2018, Dubai, UAE; Marine Conferences 2018 Seafood Expo / Seafood Procession North America, March 11-13, 2018, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Related Aquaculture Societies:
California Aquaculture Association; Kodiak Regional Aquaculture Association; The Aquaculture Association of Southern Africa; Aquaculture Fish Farming Associations ; Aquaculture Council - Pennag Industries Association; Aquaculture UF/IFAS Association
Track 8: Management, Economics and Policy:
The integrated system of facts accumulating, evaluation, making plans, consultation, choice-making, allocation of resources and formulation and implementation, with enforcement as necessary, of guidelines or rules which govern fisheries sports on the way to make certain the continued productiveness of the assets and the accomplishment of other fisheries targets. The fisheries management authority and the involved events. The fisheries control authority is that entity which has been given the mandate by way of the state to perform specific management functions.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
Oceanology International 2018, March 13-15, 2018, Excel, London; Marine Biology Conferences 110th Annual Meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association, Aquaculture Meetings 2018 March 18 - 22, 2018, Seattle, Washington, USA; Marine Biology Conferences 2018 Victam International B.V., March 27-29, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand; Oceanography Conferences 43rd Eastern Fish Health Workshop, Aquaculture Workshops April 03-07, 2018, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA
Related Aquaculture Societies:
East Coast Shellfish Growers Association; United States Trout Farmers Association; Oregon Aquaculture Association; NSERC Canadian Integrated Aquaculture Association; Hawaii Aquaculture and Aquaponics Association; Chignik Regional Aquaculture Association
Track 9: Marine Ecology and Biological Oceanography:
Marine Ecology is the logical investigation of marine-life natural surroundings, populaces, and associations among creatures and the encompassing condition including their abiotic and biotic components. The effect of human movement, for example, medicinal research, improvement, horticulture, fisheries, and ranger service is likewise examined under marine environment. Organic oceanographers ponder the environment of the seas. They will likely get a prescient comprehension of the exercises and disseminations of marine life forms, from phytoplankton to zenith predators. Our exploration is regularly interdisciplinary, and utilizes an assortment of methodologies, including field perceptions, research centre investigations, spatial examination and hypothetical models.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
International Conference on Marine Ecosystem Assessment for the Southern Ocean, Aquaculture Workshops 2018 April 09-13, 2018, Tasmania, Australia; Oceanography Conferences 2018 36th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference, April 11-14, 2018, Fortuna, California; Aquatic Conferences Aquaculture Asia, April 19-21, 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Aquatic Conferences 2018 Asia Pacific Aquaculture 2018, April 23-26, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan
Related Aquaculture Societies:
The Washington Fish Growers Association; Aquaculture Association of North America; Prince William Sound Aquaculture Corporation; Aquaculture association in Tutka ; Missouri Aquaculture Association; Kansas Aquaculture Association
Track 10: Genetic Biodiversity in Aquaculture:
Biodiversity in aquaculture gives the crude fixings that enable reproducers to enhance the generation, productivity and attractiveness of types of oceanic plants and creatures. Keeping up oceanic biodiversity in catch fisheries is central to ensuring the efficiency of the world's fish stocks, their versatility and their flexibility to ecological change, including environmental change. Accordingly, catch fisheries utilize a more prominent assortment of organic decent variety than some other nourishment creation sector. Genetic biodiversity in aquaculture gives the crude fixings that enable raisers to enhance the generation, proficiency and attractiveness of types of amphibian plants and creatures.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
Seafood Expo Global, April 24-26, 2018, Brussels, Belgium; Aquaculture Conferences 4th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity, Fisheries Conferences May 13-16, 2018, Québec, Canada; Aquaculture Conferences 2018 Tuna Conference, May 21-24, 2018, Lake Arrowhead, California; Aquaculture Congress Aquaculture UK 2018 Exhibition, May 23-24, 2018, Scotland, UK
Related Aquaculture Societies:
Private Non-profit Aquaculture Associations; Arizona Aquaculture Association; Coastal aquaculture society of India; Health Management in Asian Aquaculture; Society of Fisheries Technologists; Freshwater Fish Seed Resources Association
Track 11: Aquatic Resources and Management:
Aquatic Resources and Management is focused on enhancing local institutional limit in aquaculture and oceanic assets administration and related fields through inventive methodologies that coordinate instruction, research and effort. Aquaculture creation represents half of world fish supply and increments by 10%. Facilitate improvement of aquaculture is additionally anticipated that would enable us to move far from reliance on overexploited catch fisheries assets and to upgrade and ration amphibian environments and biodiversity.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
Asia-Pacific Aquaculture Expo, June 01-03, 2018, Fujian Province, China; Aquaculture Congress 2018 XVIIIth International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding (ISFNF), Fisheries Conferences 2018 June 03-07, 2018, Gran Canaria, Spain; Aquaculture Events International Conference on Aquaculture, June 04-06, 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark; Aquaculture Events 2018 Aqua Vision, June 11-13, 2018, Stavanger, Norway
Related Aquaculture Societies:
Middle East Aquaculture Association; Agriculture and aquaculture Hong Kong Association; Shrimp Aquaculture Association; Aquaculture Nutrition Association; Front page European aquaculture Association; Good Fish Guide Marine Conservation Society
Track 12: Engendering security in Aquaculture:
Inciting Security in Fisheries and Aquaculture – concentrated on numerous features in angle esteem chains and society that issue in understanding the security of ladies, specifically, yet in addition men and groups. These features incorporate sustenance security and nourishment, legitimate rights, access to assets and industry openings, reasonable vocations, honourable work, wellbeing inside the family, and versatility even with characteristic and environmental change related disasters. The aquaculture segment is regularly considered.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
Sea Web Seafood Summit, Aquaculture Conferences June 18-20, 2018, Barcelona, Spain; Aquaculture Meetings Indo Fisheries 2018 Expo & Forum, July 04-06, 2018, Jakarta, Indonesia; Aquaculture Meetings 2018 International Summit on Fisheries and Aquaculture, August 13-14, 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Aquaculture Workshops AQUA 2018, August 25-29, 2018, Montpellier, France
Related Aquaculture Societies:
Aquaculture Economics & Management Society; FAO Aquaculture Society; Sri Lanka Food and Aquaculture Organization; National Geographic Society; Royal Society of Edinburgh Fishing; Central Marine Fisheries Society
Track 13: Interactions between Aquaculture and fisheries:
Communications amongst aquaculture and fisheries might be said to be of four unique classes: impacts through effect on the physical, synthetic or natural condition; consequences for expenses or profitability specifically; cooperation’s through related item advertises; aquaculture encourage request may influence interest for nourish angle and henceforth angling weight. Natural connections can experience distinctive ways. Aquaculture in marine conditions can be said to be of two primary sorts. This offer ascends to diverse biological impacts.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
8th International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health, Aquaculture Conferences 2018 September 02-06, 2018, Prince Edward Island, Canada; Aquaculture Workshops 2018 3rd Aquaculture Conference 2018, Recent Advances in Aquaculture Research, September 25-28, 2018, Qingdao, China; Fisheries Conferences AquaSur 2018, October 02-05, 2018, Puerto Mont, Chile; Fisheries Conferences 2018 Latin American & Caribbean Aquaculture 18 (LACQUA18), Aquaculture Conferences 2018 November 14-17, 2018, Havana, Cuba
Related Aquaculture Societies:
Fisheries Society of Nigeria; European Offshore Mariculture Society; Ecosystem of Fisheries Society; Aquaculture Seafood Network Information Society; Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Association; Aquaculture Fin Fish Species Centre
Track 14: Livestock Production:
Verifiable changes in the interest for domesticated animals items have been to a great extent driven by human populace development, salary development and urbanization and the generation reaction in various animals frameworks has been related with science and innovation and in addition increments in creature numbers. Later on, generation will progressively be influenced by rivalry for common assets, especially land and water, rivalry amongst sustenance and nourish and by the need to work in a carbon-obliged economy. Improvements in rearing, nourishment and creature wellbeing will keep on contributing to expanding potential generation and further proficiency and hereditary increases.
Related Aquaculture Conferences:
2018 AGU Fall Meeting, December 10-14, 2018, Washington, D.C., USA; Fisheries Meetings Fish Passage 2018 , December 10-14, 2018, New South Wales, Australia; Fisheries Meetings 2018 AQUACULTURE 2019, March 06-10, 2019, Louisiana, USA; Fisheries Events AQUACULTURE EUROPE 2019; World Fisheries Congress 2020, Aquaculture Conferences October 11-15, 2020, Adelaide, Australia
Related Aquaculture Societies:
National Centre for Sustainable Aqua Culture; Aquacare Environment Inc; Ocean SINTEF; North Central Regional Aquaculture Centre; Taxonomy Aquaculture Research Society; Fishing Technology Association; The Australian Society for Fisheries Management
About the Conference:
Aquaculture congress 2018 welcomes attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all over the world to Hong Kong. We are delighted to invite you all to attend and register for the “12th World Congress on Aquaculture and fisheries (Aquaculture congress 2018)” which is going to be held during September 19-20, 2017 at Hong Kong. The organizing committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including plenary lectures, symposia, workshops on a variety of topics, poster presentations and various programs for participants from all over the world. We invite you to join us at the Aquaculture congress 2018, where you will be sure to have a meaningful experience with researchers and industrial people across the world. All the members of Aquaculture congress 2018 organizing committee look forward to meet you at Hong Kong.
For more details please visit:
Conference Highlights
- Aquaculture and fisheries
- Animal welfare in Aquaculture
- Sustainability in Aquaculture
- Aquaculture Nutrition
- Environmental impacts in Aquaculture
- Diseases in Aquaculture
- New techniques in Aquaculture
- Management, Economics and Policy
- Marine Ecology and Biological oceanography
- Genetic Biodiversity in Aquaculture
- Aquatic Resources and water Management
- Engendering security in Aquaculture
- Interactions between Aquaculture and fisheries
- Livestock Production
Market Report:
Worldwide interest for aquaculture advertise was esteemed at USD 156.27 billion out of 2015 and is relied upon to achieve USD 209.42 billion out of 2021, developing at a CAGR of 5.0% in the vicinity of 2016 and 2021. As far as volume, the worldwide interest for aquaculture remained at 71,190-kilo tons in 2015. The worldwide aquaculture showcase is fundamentally determined by a decline in worldwide catchments of fish. Furthermore, the ascent sought after for angle oil in dietary supplements is relied upon to develop the interest for aquaculture showcase amid the years to come. Nonetheless, horrible climatic conditions are the real limitation that is required to restrict the development of aquaculture showcase sooner rather than later. Moreover, reception of rice-angle culture is probably going to create new open doors for worldwide aquaculture showcase over the worldwide amid the years to come.
In light of geographic division, Asia Pacific held the main position in the worldwide aquaculture advertise in 2015. China was the significant supporter of the aquaculture generation in 2015. It represented over 58% offers of the worldwide market. Moreover, this pattern is anticipated to proceed over the market of aquaculture amid the following couple of years. This development is credited to various factors, for example, reasonable climate conditions, accessibility of common assets and work at a shabby pay. Besides, North America and Europe are relied upon to have critical development in not so distant future attributable to propelling patterns in aquaculture. Latin America is additionally anticipated to have direct development in coming years.
A portion of the key members working in the worldwide aquaculture advertise incorporate Nireus Aquaculture S.A., Blue Ridge Aquaculture, Cermaq ASA, Cooke Aquaculture Inc., Tassal Group Ltd., The Waterbase Limited, Zeal Aqua, Selonda Aquaculture S.A., Carter and Sons Ltd and NSF Certification UK Ltd among others.
Global Fisheries and Aquaculture Universities:
- Shanghai Fisheries University, China
- National Fisheries University, Japan
- Agricultural University of Norway, Norway
- Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
- Deakin University, Victoria
- Linders University, Australia
- Ocean University, China
- Nagasaki University, Japan
- Hokkaido University, Japan
- Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom
- James Cook University, Australia
- Malaspina University-College, Canada
- Northern Territory University, Australia
- Rhodes University, South Africa
- State University of Ghent, Belgium
- Shanghai Ocean University, China
- Kyoto University, Japan
- Ehime University, Japan
- Kagoshima University
- Sultan Qaboos University
- Memorial University, Canada
Universities in USA for Fisheries & Aquaculture:
- Auburn University, United States.
- Brunswick Community College, United States
- Delaware State University, United States
- Hofstra University, United States
- Humboldt State University, United States
- Kentucky State University, United States
- Mansfield University, United States
- Southern Illinois University, United States
Global Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Institutes:
- Andalusia Centre for Marine Science and Technology, Spain
- Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Philippine
- Central Institute of Brackish Water Aquaculture, India
- Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, India
- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, India
- Deep Bay Marine Field Station, Canada
- Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Australia
- Fisheries Research Services Marine Laboratory, UK
- Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics, Chile
- Korea Institute of Maritime and Fisheries Technology, South Korea
- Marine Institute Ireland, Ireland
- National Fisheries Research & Development Institute, South Korea
Aquaculture & Fisheries Research Institutes in USA:
- NTNU Centre of Fisheries and Aquaculture (SeaLab)
- American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists (AIFRB)
- Laboratory of Aquaculture & Artemia Reference Center
Global Fisheries & Aquaculture Societies:
- Asian Fisheries Society
- China Society of Fisheries, China
- Korean Society of Fisheries and Sciences (KOSFAS), Korea
- Aquaculture Association of Canada, Canada
- Aquaculture Association of S. Africa, South Africa
- European Aquaculture Society, Europe
- Brazilian Aquaculture Society (AQUABIO), Brazil
- Indonesian Aquaculture Society, Indonesia
- Society of Aquaculture Professionals, India
- Malaysian Fisheries Society, Malaysia
- Egyptian Aquaculture Society, Egypt
- Spanish Aquaculture Association (SEA), Spain
Fisheries & Aquaculture Societies in USA:
- American Fisheries Society
- Southeastern Fisheries Association
- U. S. Aquaculture Society
- National Aquaculture Association
Funding Agencies:
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
- World Aquaculture Society
- Taiwan Fish Society, Taiwan
- Malaysian Fisheries Society , Malaysia
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Aquaculture in Hong Kong: Hong Kong's angling industry could experience a renaissance in the following couple of years as the administration considers bolster for the improvement of a far off waters angling industry. Following a steady decrease in the Territory's fish get since the mid-1990s, prospects for a restoration in the angling business' fortunes have developed as of late with the finishing of an achievability think about into far off waters fishery advancement. In the meantime the administration is acting to save and enhance fishery stocks in Hong Kong regional waters. While numerous Hong Kong anglers have communicated enthusiasm for far off waters angling, most run customary family-based operations and would need to receive a more present day, business way to deal with their occupation to succeed. It would mean updating vessels and purchasing new ones, group preparing, fund and adapting to global offers of catch. There was a sharp fall in arrivals from the mid-1980s and the legislature propelled activities in the late 1990s to endeavour to build angle stocks in Hong Kong waters and bolster the fisheries business. It started making manufactured reefs utilizing solid squares, deserted vessels and old tires. The "reef" impression today has developed to 41,000 square meters, spread more than seven areas in profundities going from 10 to 25 meters.
Conference Series successfully hosted the 6th Global Summit on Aquaculture & Fisheries during May 25, 26-2017, at Osaka, Japan. We are thankful towards Organizing Committee Members, Speakers, Delegates, Sponsors, Exhibitors, Students, Collaborators, Preconference Workshop Organizers, Symposium Organizers, Media Partners, and Editorial Board Members for their continuous and outstanding support to make this conference a successful and Aquaculture Summit 2017 offers its heartfelt appreciation to Organizations and Exhibitors such as Heliae, Nymega and LGC also obliged to the Organizing Committee Members, adepts of field, various outside experts, company representatives and other eminent personalities who interlaced in the congress.
Aquaculture Summit 2017 also comprised of special session such as:
1. Special Session on “Potential Aquaculture Applications for a novel DHA-rich Microalgae” during May 25-26, 2017 at the conference venue by Len. Smith, Chief Business Officer of Heliae., USA.
The conference was embarked with an opening ceremony followed by keynote speeches and a series of lectures delivered by both Honourable Guests and members of the Keynote forum. The adepts who promulgated the theme with their exquisite talk were:
Dr. W.M.T.B.Wanninayake, Chairman of Ocean University, Sri Lanka
Dr. Sadiqul Awal, Melbourne Polytechnic, Victoria Australia., Australia
Dr. Rowena Valmonte-Santos, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), USA
Dr. Nyan Taw, Senior Technical Advisor/General Manager, Blue Archipelago, Malaysia
Dr. Nchumbeni Humtsoe, Directorate Fisheries Government-Nagaland, India
We would like to sincerely thank to our Conference Chair Dr. W.M.T.B.Wanninayake, Chairman of Ocean University, Sri Lanka and Dr. Sadiqul Awal, Melbourne Polytechnic, Victoria Australia., Australia.
Conference Series is glad to announce its “12th World Congress on Aquaculture & Fisheries”, which will be held during September 19-20, 2018 in Hong Kong. We cordially welcome all the eminent researchers, students and delegates to take part in this upcoming conference to witness invaluable scientific discussions and contribute to the future innovations in the field of Aquaculture and Fisheries with 20% abatement on the Early Bird Prices.
Bookmark your dates for “Aquaculture Congress 2018” as the Nominations for Best Poster Awards and Young Researcher Awards are open across the world.
For More details:
Conference Highlights
- Aquaculture and fisheries
- Animal welfare in Aquaculture
- Sustainability in Aquaculture
- Aquaculture Nutrition
- Environmental impacts in Aquaculture
- Diseases in Aquaculture
- New techniques in Aquaculture Engineering
- Management, Economics and Policy
- Marine Ecology and Biological oceanography
- Genetic Biodiversity in Aquaculture
- Aquatic Resources and water Management
- Engendering security in Aquaculture
- Interactions between Aquaculture and fisheries
- Livestock Production
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Conference Date | February 21-22, 2019 | ||
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